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From Slides to Tape to Streaming: Nordwin Alberts, Moving Stills

荷兰电影制作人诺德温·阿尔伯茨在26年的专业制作生涯中与各种媒体合作过, 从静态和多投影仪幻灯片到基于磁带的编辑和DVD交付的过渡. 今天, streaming is the medium of choice for his industrial, 促销, and experimental films; here's a look at how his work and workflow have evolved.
专题文章, Posted 19 Jul 2012

Tutorial: proDAD Heroglyph V4 PRO

In this new video tutorial, 屡获殊荣的摄像师和长期视频编辑教练Philip Hinkle提供了proDAD最新版本的关键新功能的深入研究, Heroglyph V4, 一个强大的解决方案,视频制作人希望生产创意和引人注目的标题, 预告片, 还有视频墙.
专题文章, Posted 07 Jul 2012

Matching Tone to Content in Online Commercial Video

How important is setting the proper tone in corporate, 商业, and 教育al online video storytelling? 这是最重要的, says Glenn Zimmerman of Manhattan's Mad Bear Productions, 在他最新的教学剪辑中,他解释了如何将你的工作的语气与设计要传递的信息相匹配.
专题文章, Posted 27 Jun 2012

Roland Announces Dedicated iPad Control App for M-480

Application designed to control parameters of the M-480 Digital Mixer, allowing the user to store scenes and edit the Channel Strip (EQ), 组的, 使用渐变发送, 和更多的
特色的新闻, Posted 12 Jun 2012

OConnor Intros 60L Carbon Fiber Tripod for Large-Camera Producers

非常适合奥康纳终极2065和2575D 150mm球基流体头, 60L将新时代材料的优点与精密工程相结合,提供了重量更轻、安装速度更快的支撑系统, 然而,它足够坚固,可以携带大型胶卷和数码相机配置
特色的新闻, Posted 30 May 2012

Interview: Flipping the Webinar with KnowledgeVision's Michael Kolowich

On the Red Carpet at 流媒体 East, 百家乐软件app最新版下载编辑史蒂夫·内森斯-凯利采访迈克尔·科洛维奇, CEO of KnowledgeVision Systems, 关于网络研讨会的一种新方法——被称为“翻转”或“即时”——将传统网络研讨会的视频演示组件按需提供给与会者, as soon as they sign up, and then devotes the entire live webinar session to interactive Q & A.
专题文章, Posted 30 May 2012

KnowledgeVision 2.0首次亮相流媒体东部与先进的在线演示分析

KnowledgeVision 2.0 includes an updated version of KVStudio, its powerful online presentation creation tool; KVCentral, a new browser-based console for publishing and tracking online presentations in content marketing and e-learning applications; and PresentationCloud, an online space for sharing and tracking presentations.
特色的新闻, Posted 15 May 2012

Producing With Adobe Creative Cloud: UPDATED

Adobe Creative Suite gets cloud treatment, giving producers options for licensing Photoshop, Premiere Pro, 后的效果, Flash Pro和其他CS6应用程序按月订阅, rather than paying for boxed product with perpetual licenses.
专题文章, Posted 08 May 2012

Review: Divergent Media ScopeBox 3.0

For scopes and DVR functionality, Divergent's ScopeBox 3.0 outdoes Adobe's late, lamented OnLocation, particularly because it works with a range of cameras, not just those with FireWire outputs. 如果你一直在想,既然Adobe已经退出了这个市场,你将为Mac上的DVR/scope功能做些什么, you should definitely give ScopeBox a try.
专题文章, Posted 01 May 2012

Adobe to Unveil CS6 Production Premium at NAB

展会的亮点将包括Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium的首次公开演示——包括Adobe Premiere Pro CS6和Adobe 后的效果 CS6的主要更新——在其正式发布之前, 展示了该软件惊人的快速性能和紧密集成,使视频专业人员能够高效地工作并简化工作流程
特色的新闻, Posted 12 Apr 2012

Review: The HP Z1 as a Webcaster's Workstation

惠普的Z1是第一台具有工作站组件和现场服务能力的一体机. 在这里, 编码专家Jan Ozer让我们来看看这种工作站级便携式PC在现场生产和网络直播环境中的表现, with testing emphasis in 3 areas: rendering, streaming encoding, 实时编码.
专题文章, Posted 11 Apr 2012


简·奥泽(Jan Ozer)通过他最近在J街举行的以色列-巴勒斯坦关系全国会议上的网络直播,传授了几条关于框架面板和应用三分法(以及何时打破三分法)的关键技巧.
专题文章, Posted 04 Apr 2012

FOR-A To Debut its SmartDirect 'All-in-One' Live Production System at NAB

With Brainstorm's Easy On Air Graphics template-based CG interface, SmartDirect可以在内部背景视频上键入图形,也可以为外部混合输出键和填充信号
特色的新闻, Posted 04 Apr 2012

Tutorial: GPU-Assisted Multicam Editing and Encoding in Sony Vegas

索尼维加斯教练大卫麦克奈特继续他的视频教程系列,看看维加斯新的GPU辅助功能, 它使Vegas编辑器能够利用支持的NVIDIA和AMD视频卡的处理能力来获得加载时间线的全帧预览,并使用许多流行的编解码器加速渲染.
专题文章, Posted 04 Apr 2012

Live from J Street, Part 1: Webcasting the National J Street Conference

在为期3天的J街以巴关系为主题的“创造历史”会议的网络直播中, Jan Ozer学到了很多关于流媒体事件的挑战,你不能控制像背景和灯光这样的关键因素. 在关于这个项目的第3部分的第1部分中,Jan详细介绍了规划过程和流设置.
专题文章, Posted 28 Mar 2012

Film School: Producing School Promo Videos

St. Louis-area studio Gebbs.电视创造了一种可再生的收入来源,并为当地学校制作了强大的宣传视频,这些视频出现在学校的网站上,作为招生影片和使命宣言的视频.
专题文章, Posted 28 Mar 2012

Artbeats Releases New HD Aerial Stock Footage of Washington, DC

Subjects include the Capitol Building, 五角大楼, Arlington National Cemetery, 国家广场, Washington Monument, 林肯纪念堂, Jefferson Memorial, US Supreme Court Building, 水门事件, as well as hospitals, 大学, 体育场馆, and other government buildings and landmarks.
特色的新闻, Posted 20 Mar 2012

Canon Intros New XU-80 HD PTZ Robotic Camera

专为户外运动和赛事转播而设计的新型机器人高清摄像机, 礼拜场所, indoor event videography, 会场图像放大, 教育
特色的新闻, Posted 13 Mar 2012

Concept to Script to Shoot: Producing Corporate Identity Videos, Part 2

To storyboard or not to storyboard? Should the story drive the interviews or vice versa? At what point in a corporate project do you set video length and budget? 这些问题以及更多的问题将在我们制作企业形象视频系列的第2部分中讨论.
专题文章, Posted 07 Mar 2012

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