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TiVo Launches TiVo Stream, 首次允许用户在ipad上观看录音

Finally, 观众最喜欢的录制节目可以在任何iPad上播放, iPhone或iPod touch在家里或加载到任何旅行



TiVo Inc. (NASDAQ: TIVO), a leader in the advanced television entertainment market, today announced the launch of its TiVo® Stream, 配件允许TiVo®Premiere DVR用户观看录制在他们的iPad或第一次即时流媒体他们最喜欢的节目和DVR内容到他们的iPad®, 在家中使用iPhone®或iPod touch®,而不会中断正常的电视观看. TiVo Stream is also the ideal TiVo accessory for entertainment fans on-the-go; allowing users to load it up and take their favorite recordings on any trip.*

"Finally, 消费者可以在任何地方——无论是在家里——享受他们喜欢的娱乐内容,这是他们长期以来所要求的灵活性, in the air, or on-the-road," said Jim Denney, GM and VP of Product Marketing for TiVo Inc. "With the launch of TiVo Stream, we are ushering in a new era of flexibility, 让我们的用户无论身处何地都能观看他们录制的娱乐节目. 通过TiVo应用程序快速轻松地将内容流到智能手机和平板电脑等第二屏幕的能力有助于TiVo用户从他们的电视观看体验中获得更多."

TiVo Stream是第一款可以同时在多达四台移动设备上播放或下载录制的节目而不会中断电视上正在播放的节目的设备. 

With support for up to four streams at once, 用户现在可以通过家庭网络观看以前录制的和当前录制的内容, 让妈妈在厨房里享受她最喜欢的烹饪节目, dad to stay on top of the game while in the garage, 让孩子们有机会在后院追上他们最喜欢的动画片. 

For on-the-go users, TiVo流允许电视粉丝从他们的TiVo Premiere DVR下载录音,以便以后在家里以外的地方观看, via TiVo's app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch*. 用户可以在短短15分钟内将一个小时的节目下载到他们的移动设备上,即使没有连接网络,也可以稍后观看. TiVo knows a device's storage space is sacred, 它让用户在下载之前知道需要多少空间,并让他们选择两种文件大小, making it ideal for travelers.

Award-Winning User Experience
利用世界上最具创新性的用户体验, TiVo流利用TiVo直观的搜索和浏览体验,使用户能够快速轻松地找到或发现电视和宽带节目, 然后将其转换为一种格式,以便在兼容的第二屏幕设备上轻松查看或下载. Additionally, content plays in the TiVo app, allowing users to navigate features such as cast information, or scrub through a show. 这种兼容性创造了一致的体验——无论用户在哪里观看.

TiVo流与TiVo的首发DVR产品系列兼容, including TiVo Premiere, TiVo Premiere XL, TiVo Premiere 4 and TiVo Premiere XL4. It requires TiVo's free app for iPad, iPhone, 或iPod touch,为用户的兼容设备带来直观的屏幕体验和远程控制操作. 

TiVo Stream Specifications and Requirements:

  • Compatible TiVo products:
    • TiVo Premiere
    • TiVo Premiere XL
    • TiVo Premiere 4
    • TiVo Premiere XL4 (previously Premiere Elite)
  • Inputs: Gigabit Ethernet, 12v DC power
  • Dimensions: 4" x 4" x 1.05"
  • Weight: 0.3 pounds
  • 需要有线连接TiVo DVR和无线路由器(以太网或MoCA)
  • 需要一台或多台运行iOS5的iPad、iPhone或iPod touch设备.1 or later
  • 需要免费的TiVo应用程序为iPad, iPhone或其他支持的设备
  • The TiVo Stream incorporates TiVoGuard for Mobile, a CableLabs-approved content protection technology

The TiVo Stream is now available through 并且很快将在百思买和Magnolia家庭影院的大多数商店上市,建议零售价为129美元.99. For more information on the product, please visit


About TiVo
Founded in 1997, TiVo Inc. (NASDAQ: TIVO)开发了第一台商用数字视频录像机(DVR)。, 如今,TiVo已成为先进电视服务领域的全球领导者,在多个平台和设备上提供产品. TiVo offers its service directly to consumers, 并通过为有线电视量身定制的解决方案来分销其技术和服务, satellite and broadcasting companies. Since its founding, 通过将其专利DVR技术和通用有线电视盒功能与聚合能力相结合,TiVo已经发展成为最终的单一解决方案媒体中心, search and deliver millions of pieces of broadband, cable and broadcast content directly to the television. TiVo还通过为电视行业提供互动广告解决方案、观众研究和测量评级服务,继续将自己融入媒体行业.

TiVo和TiVo徽标是TiVo Inc .的商标或注册商标. or its subsidiaries worldwide. © 2012 TiVo Inc. All rights reserved. 所有其他商标均为其各自所有者的财产.