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数字激流扩展屡获殊荣的编码和流解决方案与新的3.7 Software Release

Markham, Ontario(29 Nov 2011)


Digital Rapids今天宣布发布第三版.7的数字急流流软件的公司的 StreamZStreamZHD and Flux encoding and live streaming solutions. New features in Stream 3.7 include expanded format support including encoding to the Panasonic AVC-Intra format; 64-bit operating system support; cue point insertion for live streaming with Adobe(r) Flash(r) technologies; and enhanced H.264 and MPEG-2 encoding. 这些新功能加入了之前未公布的版本3中的许多新增功能.6 upgrade released in August, 包括杜比(r)数字AC-3音频传输和更新的Civolution NexGuard取证水印支持. 

进一步扩大数字急流的著名格式灵活性,流3.7增加了对松下AVC-Intra格式编码的可选支持, 为越来越多的后期制作提供了一个入口, 广播和存档解决方案和工作流程原生支持AVC-Intra压缩媒体. Version 3.7还扩展了流软件的支持索尼XDCAM(tm)系统导入和导出XDCAM高清媒体在QuickTime(r) MOV容器. Digital Rapids' highly-acclaimed H.264和MPEG-2的编码质量和性能也进一步提高. 新的和增强的格式支持现在也可用于 Digital Rapids Transcode Manager automated, high-volume transcoding software.

Version 3.7增加了64位Microsoft Windows(r)操作系统对Digital Rapids的Flux捕获和预处理硬件的支持. 要向adobeflash Player和adobeair (r)应用程序进行直播,请单击Stream 3.7允许将提示点插入到实时RTMP流中(通过Web服务API或文件实时),以触发下游事件,例如广告插入或替换.

Additional new features in Stream 3.包括对Windows Media直播流的多播支持, particularly noteworthy in enterprises using the Windows Media format for internal communications applications; insertion of Closed Captions from live or file-based sources during encoding to QuickTime files; new and enhanced video and audio processing plug-ins; encoding improvements for streaming to Apple(r) devices; enhancements to live transport stream outputs; and a variety of minor additions and refinements.

Version 3.7是近几个月来流软件发布的第二次重大更新, building on the version 3.6 software update released in August. 对于基于Flux硬件的系统用户,Stream 3.6 adds AC-3 audio pass-through, 使ac3压缩的音频输入与新编码的视频相结合,而不会重新压缩音频或丢失元数据. 基于通量的系统还可以将SDI输入源的原始辅助数据捕获到GXF中, MXF or standalone files.

Stream 3.6还纳入了可选的Civolution NexGuard取证水印模块的更新, 包括增强其不易察觉的视频水印和改进的水印检测性能,从盗版副本. Other new features in version 3.6包括集成的杜比数字解码与元数据支持和封闭字幕解码从GXF和LXF输入源.

"Stream 3.7是该软件今年的第三次重大升级, encompassing dozens of new features and improvements," said Darren Gallipeau, Product Manager at Digital Rapids. "StreamZ, StreamZHD和Flux仍然是市场上最全面、最通用的编码解决方案, 以及版本3中扩展的格式支持和新功能.7 .进一步巩固在高端、专业编码应用领域的领导地位."

有关数字急流的更多信息,请访问 www.digitalrapids.com

About Digital Rapids Corporation Digital Rapids为媒体转换和交付提供领先的硬件和软件解决方案, 支持改变观众观看内容方式的多平台体验. 从独立设备扩展到全局工作流, Digital Rapids解决方案使媒体专业人员能够最大限度地提高他们的生产力, quality, and the value of their content. 获得了令人垂涎的IBC创新奖和四项著名的弗罗斯特奖 & 沙利文因编码和转码领导而获得荣誉, Digital Rapids将创新技术与成熟的专业知识相结合,帮助我们的客户扩大受众, increase their media revenues and reduce their costs. Digital Rapids Corporation (www.digitalrapids.com) is headquartered in Ontario, Canada with offices in the United States, the UK, Australia, Argentina and Hong Kong.