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CNBC Launches the Warren Buffet Archive



CNBC,全球商业第一,今天宣布推出 Warren Buffett Archive, 世界上最大的沃伦·巴菲特商业演讲视频收藏的数字之家, investing, money and life. The exclusive content from the site, 它是根据伯克希尔哈撒韦公司24年的年度股东大会视频以及CNBC采访而构建的, curated short-form videos and more, is being made available to the public for the first time ever.

“Until now, 在过去24年里,要想看到或听到沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和查理•芒格(Charlie Munger)回答股东提出的各种各样的问题,唯一的方法就是亲临现场,” said Mark Hoffman, CNBC Chairman. “Whether you are a Buffett fan, a Berkshire Hathaway shareholder, an aspirational student or a savvy investor, the Warren Buffett Archive 本书以商业领域最伟大的思想家之一的无与伦比的见解和教导为特色,我们很高兴首次向全球用户提供这一宝贵的百家乐软件.”

The Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder Meeting tapes, provided to CNBC by Warren Buffett, serve as the foundation of the Warren Buffett Archive, 这不仅展示了伯克希尔哈撒韦公司令人难以置信的增长, but the strength of its leadership.

“Charlie and I have had enormous fun working together over the past 50+ years; if I had one wish for users of this archive, 而是他们看到了友谊的价值——无论是在商业上还是在生活中,” said Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO.

Content from the Warren Buffett Archive includes:

  • Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder Meetings: 自1994年以来,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司年度股东大会的完整视频片段和互动记录, accounting for more than 120 hours of footage. Each year includes a description, 会议的精彩片段,以及相应的沃伦·巴菲特年度致股东信的链接.
  • CNBC Interviews: 自2005年以来,美国全国广播公司财经频道播出了50多个巴菲特现身的视频片段.
  • Buffett A-Z: 从伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司年度股东大会和CNBC采访中精选的沃伦·巴菲特对特定行业和主题的讲话剪辑短片. Topics include: Airlines, Books, Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation, Housing, Friendship, How to View Stocks, Newspapers, Technology and Warren and Charlie’s Wit and Wisdom.
  • Timeline: 沃伦·巴菲特的生活和伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司的演变与图像和视频的互动时间表.

该网站还包括有关沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的文章,以及一个投资组合追踪器, which charts the publicly-traded U.S. 沃伦·巴菲特的控股公司伯克希尔·哈撒韦持有的股票.

The site includes user-friendly features such as:

  • Interactive Transcripts: 允许用户在观看伯克希尔哈撒韦公司年度股东大会的视频时跟随文字记录,并同步到视频中的特定章节/段落.
  • Search: 通过机器学习和人工智能的应用,对档案中的所有内容进行强大的搜索,并能够深入链接到视频片段的特定章节/段落.
    • Application of machine learning to identify and analyze images, 文本和语音来添加丰富的元数据,这将使整个伯克希尔哈撒韦年度股东大会和CNBC采访内容具有高度相关性和强大的搜索功能.
  • Next Generation Video Player: 提供显着增强的视频加载速度以及完全可定制的现代响应界面. The player also gives users the ability to speed up playback by 1.25, 1.5 and 2x. 
  • Mobile: 该网站完全优化了现代响应式网页设计的移动观看. 

About CNBC:

With CNBC in the U.S., CNBC in Asia Pacific, CNBC in Europe, Middle East and Africa, and CNBC World, CNBC是公认的全球商业新闻的领导者,为全球超过4.09亿家庭提供实时金融市场报道和商业信息, 包括美国和加拿大的9100多万户家庭. CNBC还为中国4亿户家庭提供每日商业资讯. 该电视网在北美每天直播15个小时的商业节目(工作日从下午4点开始).m. - 7:00 p.m. 《百家乐软件》在位于纽约州恩格尔伍德悬崖的CNBC全球总部制作.J., and includes reports from CNBC News bureaus worldwide. CNBC at night features a mix of new reality programming, 为CNBC独家制作的非常成功的系列节目以及一些独特的内部纪录片.

CNBC数字频道每月提供超过5200万的多平台独立访客. 为CNBC的投资者观众提供实时的金融市场新闻和信息. CNBC Make It是一个专注于让你更聪明地了解如何赚钱的数字目的地, save and spend your money by zeroing in on careers, leadership, entrepreneurship and personal finance.

CNBC在各种平台上拥有庞大的数字产品组合,包括:; CNBC PRO, the premium, 集成桌面/移动服务,提供对CNBC节目的实时访问, exclusive video content and global market data and analysis; a suite of CNBC mobile products including the CNBC Apps for iOS, Android and Windows devices; and additional products such as the CNBC App for the Apple Watch and Apple TV.


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