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在普及互联计算的帮助下, the scope and scale of the TV industry has dramatically changed over the past decade. Consumers now have a wide variety of choices in TV consumption with the establishment of many providers offering both subscription and advertising-funded services. 通过OTT和点播观看电视, 是否有机顶盒, 连接电视, 移动设备, 或电脑, 成为主导行为吗.

电视运营商面临着未来收入来源的几个挑战. Competition is fierce and consumer research suggests that monthly subscription pricing becomes highly elastic once it reaches modest monthly amounts (in comparison to traditional cable/satellite TV pricing) –leading to high churn. 

Ad-funded business models are now the norm with nearly every major OTT provider offering an ad-tier subscription option and the emergence of FAST channels. Addressable advertising has become the big promise to both operators and advertisers. 然而, 为了击退科技巨头, TV operators will have to deliver audience targeting on TV that matches the sophistication of online media.

Addressable TV advertising is the ability to serve up video ads to specific individuals, 而不是庞大的人口群体. 但这场革命迟迟没有达到高潮,投资也依然有限.

德勤全球预测 可寻址的电视广告, which allows different ads to be shown to different households watching the same program, 将产生约7亿美元的收益.到2022年,全球将达到50亿美元. 虽然这个数字在10年内增长了40倍, it is a small percentage of the global US$153 billion TV ad market forecast for 2022. 显然,可寻址电视广告还有很长的路要走.

One of the big factors holding back growth is the massive disparity between targeting capability on TV when compared to the established practices for digital.


电视上的目标定位已经过时了. 大多数电视广告的买卖仍然是基于非常基本的人群细分. 随着运营商转向可寻址广告, most have initially sought to sell ad inventory using geo-targeting and by matching subscribers to purchased third-party lifestyle data to offer advertisers “off-the-shelf” targeting attributes. 然而, this doesn’t address advertisers’ demands for consistent online audience taxonomies (for cross-platform campaigns) or accuracy (i.e.,基于实际消费者行为).

The successful business case for addressable TV advertising really hinges on accurate, 有关, 以及最近的行为受众定位数据, 这是许多业内人士仍然不欣赏的.

随着可寻址广告能力的兴起, there is an accelerating demand from advertisers for better targeting on TV using audiences that are consistent with media buying on the internet. 数字或在线媒体已经确立了“亲和力属性”的有用性,尽管cookie的消亡引发了人们对如何定位的重新思考. Therefore, first-party data has become more important and federating this data is crucial (i.e.(一致的使用方式).

TV operators have a major advantage because they have the opportunity to compile and package their own first-party viewer data, 对广告商来说,哪些是非常有价值的资产.

更多的 sophisticated targeting attributes make an operator’s platform more attractive to TV advertisers by offering increased reach and enhancements, 比如更好的观众识别. Sophisticated targeting also attracts niche and premium advertisers into TV by enabling them to buy only the audiences that are 有关 to their offerings.

TV operators need to step up their targeting capabilities in order to make their investment in addressable advertising pay back. Some TV operators recognize this and have recruited data science resources to build it. 然而, 根据我自己的经验, 生产有意义, 预测, 而且来自第一方数据的有价值的目标属性可能很慢, 昂贵的, and uncertain for an operator using manual analytical resources and inadequate metadata. And it’s an approach that's hardly compatible with the fast-changing dynamics of viewer behavior.

In the online world, companies can more easily collect behavioral data and create affinity segments. 在电视上,这就困难多了. Collecting raw viewing data and transforming it into meaningful viewing records is challenging and modelling those viewing records to create and operationally manage affinity targeting attributes is even more difficult, 特别是如果内容元数据很弱. 


What is needed is a highly automated targeting attribute development and maintenance solution, 能够生产和调整大范围的精度, 以行为为基础的目标受众以广告市场需求的速度发展. 这不是一件微不足道的事情.

这种解决方案的基本组件是富内容元数据, access to a large scale and scope of viewing data from which to derive standardized attributes, and an advanced AI platform to develop and maintain a suitable suite of target audiences that deliver proven ROI for advertisers. 

The good news is that there are existing solutions that can rapidly produce a large set of accurate affinity attributes based on standard audience definitions from any TV operator’s first-party viewing data set. TV operators and advertisers can use the power of audience TV behavior to reach the right target audience at the right moment with the right message. 这不仅提高了广告支出的效果, but it should also go a long way to mitigate the potentially deadening effect of a blizzard of advertising messages on consumer satisfaction, 订婚, 和响应.

[编者注:这是来自 ThinkAnalytics. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Get Ready - Advertisers Want Sophisticated TV Targeting for Omnichannel Media Buying

托尼·穆尼 of ThinkAnalytics discusses approaches for optimizing TV behavioral targeting at whatever speed suits the local market or operational constraints.


The evolution of TV advertising has given rise to a new language in marketing circles—one that's necessary to address the increasing fragmentation and growing opportunities inherent within the space. 不幸的是, 当涉及到新兴术语时,并不是每个人都使用同一本词典, particularly as it relates to "addressable TV"—and that's a problem we as an industry need to tackle head-on.

Standardization is Coming to Addressable TV; In the Meantime, Partnerships Are Key

在时间, 我们将看到标准化进入可寻址电视领域, 就像之前的许多数字广告机会一样. 把屏幕上的点连接起来, 区域和库存类型将变得更容易, 随着公司继续为提高效率和成果而进行明智的合作.


虽然业务和技术挑战阻碍了直线起飞, 创新现在已经消除了障碍. 这是广告销售的最佳时机, 广告业务, 工程师们需要部署合适的技术来实现这一营收格局的改变.
