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What the DTC Marketing Playbook Will Bring to CTV Advertising


DTC品牌通过在社交平台上的直接回应活动,以高效营销而闻名, 尤其是Facebook. They were laser-focused on performance, identifying the channels that drove success, A/B testing creative 和 targeting, 和 evolving swiftly to generate measurable results.

However many other br和s discovered the direct-response playbook, 和 while social channels have become saturated 和 decreased in efficiency, a new digital channel has emerged: CTV. 讽刺的是, given TV’s history as a br和ing channel, CTV is becoming the new testing ground for the fast-moving, data-driven methodology of direct response. And DTC br和s will lead the way.

As expert digital marketers, DTC品牌推广的三个原则现在将成为数字广告最热门的渠道:快速做出数据驱动的决策, taking an audience-centric approach, 和 experimenting with new technologies. 以下是这些原则所包含的内容以及营销人员可以从中学到的东西.


With the robust real-time marketing data CTV puts at their disposal, br和s can capitalize on the channel’s resulting flexibility to make quick, 明智的决定.

例如, just as DTC br和s have long done on social, CTV广告客户可以根据实时数据迅速调整创意资产,以解决表现差距——理想情况下,无需等待合作伙伴为他们做出广告活动更改.

实时CTV数据也为尝试诸如日分等战术提供了机会. 例如,卡斯珀(Casper)根据这些数据,实施了一项“日分”策略,以实现其盈利 创新活动 更引人注目的是. 这个床垫和床上用品品牌在凌晨1点到5点播放广告,以吸引那些可能难以入睡的深夜观众. 电视的数字化提供了在飞行中探索像这样的直观想法的机会, 而在过去的电视广告时代,可能需要数周的时间来改变策略, 测试他们的有效性, 和迭代.

数字原生品牌通常通过付费和有机两种渠道进行营销, 因此,他们可以使用的另一种策略是利用这些努力之间的协同作用来提高薪酬绩效. 例如, if an organic video performs well on social media, 品牌也可以在付费频道上使用它,并在社交和CTV上推广它.

AI will further boost this ability to make quick data-driven decisions. The technology provides the opportunity to learn 和 respond at scale, often without human marketers even pulling any levers themselves. 当其他人继续依赖人工决策时,快速采用人工智能将获得优势.


TV has historically been a content-first channel. 广告商根据广告投放的节目来购买媒体, making assumptions about whom the ad would reach 和 how it would perform. 但是有了中央电视台, 有远见的品牌可以利用新的交付机制来关注受众,无论他们身在何处, not primarily the content against which their ads will appear. 这是DTC绩效营销剧本的精髓,该剧本最近在电视上播出.

例如, a br和 like HelloFresh could leverage 上下文的目标 将其CTV广告与跨流媒体平台的烹饪和食品相关内容结合起来,而不仅仅是那些严格专注于烹饪的频道或节目. 这种方式, DTC送餐品牌将能够像营销人员利用关键字进行展示广告一样瞄准受众.

In addition to delivering CTV ads to viewers based on context, savvy br和s can customize their messaging for specific audiences, achieving a level of granularity traditional TV could never offer. Imagine a beauty br和 that wanted to resonate with various audience segments, each with different hair concerns 和 preferences. With the demographic data CTV offers, the br和 would be able to tailor its ads to viewers of different backgrounds, 展示特定的产品配方,以满足每个细分市场独特的头发需求.

Experiment with new technologies

To drive the data-driven measurement that generates more effective advertising, 创新品牌将利用新技术,这些新技术不仅能提高转化率,还能让广告活动更容易被追踪.

One technology DTC br和s are already leaning into is shoppable advertising. 可购物广告允许观众通过点击遥控器,无缝地通过CTV广告购买产品, 和 they’ve proven to be effective at enticing CTV viewers. 高达55%的智能电视观众记得看到过购物广告,50%的人曾与广告互动, according to a Samsung Ads 和 Kerv Interactive 调查. 像True Classic、Ergatta和Olly这样的DTC品牌正在测试这种格式(通过Roku的) 伙伴关系 以缩短产品发现和转化之间的时间,并更好地衡量两者之间的联系.

Along with exploring ways to innovate within a CTV ad spot, br和s will take advantage of evolving smart TV hardware like 电视是免费的55英寸4K电视. 这家初创公司的免费电视在主屏幕下方有一个单独的面板,作为一个永远在线的广告空间,不会干扰核心电视观看体验, making for prime opportunities for br和s to measurably engage with audiences.

在社交渠道的鼎盛时期,DTC品牌成为了直接响应营销的化身. Expect them to bring the same principles to CTV as real-time data, audience-based购买, 新技术将银幕重新定位为数字优先的广告渠道. 每个营销人员都可以借鉴DTC的做法,因为数字广告创新不再只是数字原生品牌的专利.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from 即兴的. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The Premium Environment Advantage in CTV Advertising

Vevo和Channel 4的一项联合研究发现,对优质电视内容有明显偏好的消费者增加了近50%. 洛葛仙妮哈雷, Director of Client Strategy at Azerion, 解释了广告商如何适应这种消费者偏好的转变,并在CTV环境中优化广告放置策略,以有效和准确地达到增量, 可寻址的观众.


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Quality 和 Quantity: Why Curation is Table Stakes for CTV Advertising Success

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Gijsbert Pols, Director of Connected TV & New Channels for Adjust, outlines three key CTV trends to watch for in 2024.

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