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As Americans rejoice that sports have returned, 许多人也欢迎有机会重新投入到一项快速增长的娱乐活动中:体育博彩. 只有三个州没有就体育博彩合法化提出法案—和 with 18 already at full legalization, 和 男人。y others close behind, there is massive potential for industry growth. 尤其是随着越来越多的州通过立法,将在移动设备上的赌博合法化.

By 2022 it is projected that 32个州可以提供合法的体育博彩,并由此产生近60亿美元的收入 的收入. While 这 figure seems impressive, there is potential to increase the dollar amount tenfold, 但前提是体育产业和博彩公司拥有合适的流媒体技术,让球迷能够在一场比赛的每一场比赛中下注. 流媒体技术必须成为一个更高的优先级,以便推动博彩处理, 收入底线. 现在, 平台充斥着延迟,使体育博彩的全部潜力无法发挥出来.


Coronavirus has changed not only the way the way sports are played, 还有我们观看的方式, 参与, 和 作为球迷下注比赛. 体育场里不再挤满了为球队提供“主场优势”的人——想象一下西雅图海鹰队没有利用他们的“12”th 男人。." As the entire industry attempts to adjust to 这 new normal, 男人。y are turning to technology for help, but not necessarily in the right ways.

像NBA和MLB这样的联盟正在使用数字创新来填补空无一人的体育场 Fox Sports' attempt to place virtual fans in MLB stadiumsNBA’s partnership with Microsoft to accomplish the same goal, there are 男人。y new initiatives being tested. 然而,这些项目并不像体育博彩那样对创收产生直接影响. 联盟和广播公司必须解决推动体育博彩的核心技术问题, micro-wagering. 在棒球比赛的每一个球,足球比赛的每一个球上下注,等等. 如果游戏不能实时同步地提供,让所有粉丝都能同时观看, 然后我们将无法发展到虚拟球迷,更重要的是,小额投注——这将是大笔资金的来源.

例如, PGA最近宣布 更新他们的DraftKings合作伙伴关系,允许粉丝访问博彩整合,希望提高参与度. While 这 is a helpful next step within the industry, 真正的考验是,流媒体延迟是否会被消除,以及它们是否能够同时支持大量在线观众的涌入. 目前体育流媒体的现状根本无法满足现代体育投注者的需求. 

Taking Sports Streaming 到 Next Level

Cord cutting was already popular before the p和emic hit. Consumers were looking to ditch their cable provider at a rapid pace, but sports were often the one thing bringing them back. So when Coronavirus hit the U.S. earlier 这 year forcing sports 联盟 to suspend play, cord cutting hit a record high. 现在, 体育又回来了,但许多美国人仍然发现自己没有有线电视套餐,这意味着现在是利用体育观众流媒体游戏的好时机. 这个机会的最大障碍是增强当前的流媒体体验,因为平淡的流媒体是不够的. 

Historically, sporting events have struggled with livestreams. Fans streaming 这 year’s Super Bowl game experienced delays anywhere from 45秒到55秒. 这不仅会让球迷感到沮丧(谁想在触地得分出现在你的屏幕上之前看到一条关于触地得分的推文?) but it also leaves sportsbooks 和 bettors out of potential money. 没有球迷会愿意打赌棒球比赛的下一个球是否会是好球, 一个球, or a home run if their livestream is 5, 20, or even sometimes 60 seconds behind a fan elsewhere.

In order to successfully capitalize on that level of micro-wagering, operators must prioritize technology that can provide synchronized, real-time streams with no delays. Not only will 这 technology create happier fans, it will also have a substantial bottom line impact.

The Potential of Micro-Wagering

Fans are eager to bet on sports 和 sportsbooks, 联盟, 广播公司应该抓住机会利用这种渴望. 现在, simple bets on the outcome of a game are the status quo for 男人。y, but what if fans could bet on whether or not Tiger Woods will make putt or if LeBron James will make 罚球? 现在,这是不可能的,因为大多数“直播”流甚至都不接近真正的直播. 频繁的延误, 由于各种原因,包括欺诈或法院的可能性,运营商被迫缩短潜在的投注窗口. 如果流媒体是实时传输的,那么用户不仅有更多的时间参与进来并产生收益, but also 这 risk of fraud is removed.

While fans can bet on the specific outcomes of games (halves, innings or quarters) true micro-wagering is not available. Recently, there has been conversations around using biometric data such as an athlete's respiration, 温度, 血压等等, 在游戏投注期间. 这种级别的赌博是我们之前所见不到的,是微赌博的元级别. While the insights alone can be helpful in betting—conceivably, 我们还可以赌一赌,如果在比赛后期尝试投篮,导致他失误,那么踢球者的心率是否会在历史上增加.

When you consider 这 conversation around biometric data 和 betting, 很容易意识到体育博彩的机会是多么的无穷无尽. Already the industry has massive popularity across the U.S.; with sports slowly coming back 这 desire for betting is only going to increase. With consumer dollars on the line, 平台必须优化它们的流媒体功能,以提供同步的, 实时的经验. When 这 happens the micro-wagering door can officially be opened, 和 U.S. sports betting potential can be fully realized.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed byline from 凤凰. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Next Up for Netflix: Re-imagining Streaming Through Ad & 内容模型

Ashwin Navin of Samba TV discusses the ways that Netflix, even with its recent hiccups, 是否有遗产和杠杆来继续重塑分销模式,找到新的方法来扩展其数十亿美元内容投资的价值.

Beer, Betting, 和 Streaming, Oh My! A Super Bowl Advertising Analysis

超级碗广告, while a relatively small sample, are a decent indicator of trends in overall advertising dem和. John Link from AdImpact reviews the last three years, 趋势很明显:加密货币和与新冠病毒相关的一些类别的公益广告正在减弱, largely being replaced by new categories like Sports Betting 和 Streaming, 和 there is more competition in established categories like QSR 和 Beer.

Social Video is Everyone's Front-Row Seat to Sports

像NBA和MLB这样的联盟正在抓住机会,无论他们身在何处都能接触到球迷. Increasingly, that's on social media like Facebook, Twitter, 和 Twitch.

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调查显示:体育 & 新闻 Driving Live Linear Adoption

Jonathan Hurd报告了Alt男人。 Vil和rie对付费电视用户的最新调查结果,该调查是关于观看习惯和趋势的,这段视频来自2019年的流媒体西部.

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