Formats/Codecs/Protocols > Featured Articles

In the quest to deliver video at higher quality and lower latency, 流媒体行业是不断变化的视频格式的家园, 编解码器, 以及交付协议. Look here for the latest news and trends in HEVC, AV1, VVC, CMAF, WebRTC, MPEG标准, 版税, 即时包装, 和更多的.

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Decoding the Landscape: Recent Developments in Video Codec Licensing

Navigating the ever-changing world of video codec licensing can be complex. This article breaks down major IP-related events from the past 18 months, including the new European SEP licensing rules, Avanci's new video patent pool, 以及Sisvel-RPX交易. Explore who's making deals, what technologies are involved, and the implications for royalty-free models

The State of Education Video 2024

2024年的教育视频是风暴前的平静还是风暴后的平静? With a pandemic in the rearview mirror, 在新常态下,企业规模的视频托管和管理服务能否以学校愿意承担的价格保持盈利,我们将面临一个十字路口. It's unlikely that we'll cross a point of no return this year, 但我建议密切关注一些迹象,这些迹象可能会减轻或加剧人们对学校在长期未来拥有一定程度的所有权和控制权所依赖的视频服务的担忧.

How to Deploy GPAC for FFmpeg Packaging and ABR Distribution

As much as we love FFmpeg for transcoding op­erations, it can get frustrating when packag­ing your content for ABR delivery. 由packag-ing, I mean formatting and segmenting your media files, creating manifest files for HLS and DASH, for - matting for CMAF, and managing multiple audio and subtitle streams. 幸运的是,有一些更容易使用的解决方案,它们同样是开源的,同样是免费的. 在本文中,我将重点介绍GPAC,它是一种很好的包装替代方案.

The State of Video Codecs 2024

MPEG编解码器的爆发带来了VVC、LCEVC和EVC,距今已有3年多了. 而不是气喘吁吁地鼓吹每一个个位数的质量改进或设计胜利, I'll quickly get you up-to-speed on quality, 可玩性, 并使用最常用的视频编解码器,然后探索新的编解码器相关的业务和技术的进步.

Streamticker: The Biggest Streaming Mergers & 2023年的收购

When it comes to mergers and acquisitions in the streaming industry and M&2023年的电子商务市场,以及今年最重要的交易的会计, 在收盘时开盘是最有意义的:迪士尼在11月初宣布,将通过收购完成2019年大流行前启动的收购,将Hulu完全纳入其帝国.

Glass-to-Glass Report: Comparing Low-Latency Streaming Providers

在本文中, I examine low-latency services provided by streaming CDNs, 删除实际的供应商名称并根据交付方法得出结论. 在讨论测试结果和分析之前,我将首先讨论延迟的基础知识.

Review: NETINT Quadra T1U Video Processing Unit

本综述将重点介绍NETINT Quadra T1U,并探讨其作为视频处理单元(VPU)用于大容量编码和单文件转码的能力, 编码梯子, 还有直播.

Review: ViCueSoft CodecWar

CodecWar is an analysis service created by ViCueSoft, the developer of codec analy­sis tools VQ Analyzer, VQ DVK, VQ探针. 当前配置, 该网站的理想用户是寻找一种方便的方法来使用相关数据集比较编解码器的研究人员,以及寻找一种结构化方法来比较编解码器的编解码器开发人员. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 对于百家乐软件app最新版下载来说,这不是一种特别方便的方式来运行实验来优化他们的编码参数, although it could grow into this.

The State of VVC Adoption and Implementation

If you're a video publisher who doesn't rank high in the VVC patent list, it's likely that you won't consider VVC until 2026 or later. If you're looking to augment your H.264 encodes with a more efficient codec before then, your most likely choices are HEVC and AV1, with LCEVC also an option. 然而, if you're a product or service provider in the streaming media ecosystem, 早该开始考虑VVC何时何地适合你和你的目标客户了.

科技巨头的肮脏弱点:Sharethrough的Frank Maguire讨论了绿色流媒体的创新方法

像Meta、亚马逊和谷歌这样的科技巨头已经承诺到2030年实现碳中和. 但这一目标的可行性如何,以及用于实现这一目标的资金真正流向何处? Sharethrough的Frank Maguire讨论了大型科技公司的数字广告投放如何严重影响二氧化碳排放,以及这些公司可以做些什么来减少这种影响并实现其绿色承诺.

How to Produce VVC With FFmpeg

Anytime you start working with a new codec, 为了实现最佳性能/质量优化,您应该运行一些基本测试. 在本文中, 我将带您完成这些测试,同时使用包含Fraunhofer VVC编解码器的FFmpeg版本编码VVC.

The State of Video Codecs 2023

Welcome to your codec update for 2023. I'm here to help you decide whether it's time to go all in on AV1, VVC, LCEVC, or EVC or whether it's better to stick with H.264、VP9和HEVC. 一路走来, 我将包括2022-2023年的更新,以确定自去年以来发生的重大变化.


亚历山大Skamarokha, Head of Performance Optimization Team at Oxagile, 讨论了优化流媒体解决方案并为用户获得最终QoE的方法.

Google Chrome Plays HEVC: What Does it Mean?

九月底, 谷歌悄悄放出消息说,它现在在Chrome中提供了对HEVC的播放支持,而它已经在底层平台上可用. 这是一个比谷歌透露的更大的新闻,但它的直接影响还有待观察. 我们调查了许多专家和分析师,以评估其对HEVC使用量增加等方面的意义, and how it affects DRM and HDR.

Netflix's Andrey Norkin Talks Future of AV1

流媒体学习中心的Jan Ozer采访了Netflix视频算法高级研究科学家和开放媒体联盟联合主席Andrey Norkin,讨论了有关AV1未来的几个话题, including the necessity of HDR for premium content producers, Libaom's focus on SVT-AV1, 和更多的.

AOMedia Delivers on SVT-AV1's Promise

With the recent launch of version 1.0, SVT-AV1 appears to have caught up with libaom in quality, with very definite performance advantages. Its two-pass rate control is tested and proven. 如果你今天正在创建一个AV1编码工作流程,强调编码速度和质量, SVT-AV1 should definitely be on your short list.

Integrating NDI Sources From Conferencing Platforms

2019冠状病毒病期间的现场活动视频制作迅速加速了Zoom和Microsoft Teams等流行会议工具NDI输出的使用, 特别是对于一对多广播,其中远程贡献者是常态. 本文将解释如何在Zoom和Microsoft Teams中启用NDI,以便将更高质量的输入源添加到您的实时流工作流程中.

Testing EVC, VVC, and LCEVC: How Do the Latest MPEG Codecs Stack Up?

Jan Ozer说EVC, VVC, and LCEVC through the paces, checking each for not only encoding quality, 编码的复杂性, and playback efficiency but also power consumption. Each one has its pros and cons; read on to find out how they all performed.

The State of Video Codecs 2022

与H.264 usage finally beginning to decline and several newer 编解码器 ascendant, 这份2022年编解码器更新报告了去年与H.264, VP9, HEVC, AV1, VVC, LCEVC, and EVC.

How to Encode with FFmpeg 5.0

Rather than focusing on random tasks, 本教程将带您了解使用最新版本的FFmpeg进行编码的基础知识.