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SMNYC 2024: 网飞公司 Engineer Sujana Sooreddy Talks Sustainability, 指导, 以及流媒体中的女性

At 流媒体纽约2024蒂姆·西格林,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体,采访高级软件工程师Sujana Sooreddy, 网飞公司. She discusses the challenges of encoding and transcoding content for different formats and devices, she highlights the importance of using data analytics to understand compute usage and viewability of a particular stream. She also talks about the increasing number of women in the field and the value of mentorship within the community.

Siglin mentions that he and Sooreddy are about to be on a 纽约流媒体 panel that he is moderating ("Computing While Cooling"). The panel will focus on how to make media’s tech stack more cost—and energy-efficient and implement sound and sustainable best practices throughout the media supply chain. 然后,他请苏雷迪讨论她在网飞公司的角色.

“I'm part of the media infrastructure and platform team,” Sooreddy says. “So what we offer is the workflow orchestration engines and the serverless functions and insights into how much compute or how fast we are delivering. 我们主要在编码部分工作, 基本上是采集和编码, 主要不在于分娩的副作用.”


Siglin说, “One of the things we talked about in a pre-call was having to make those decisions from a sustainability standpoint, how many compute hours it's going to take to encode or transcode something to a new format versus the number of potential eyeballs. Just explain what that balance is if somebody doesn't understand compute hours.”

Sooreddy says that considering the huge amount of content on the 网飞公司 platform, along with the need to encode both old and new content for viewability on every device, it is important to use data analytics to understand the compute and viewability usage of a particular stream. “看看你的长尾内容是什么,”她说. “使用预测分析来找出应该编码的内容, 应该多快完成, what should be the compute that could be reserved for a place where nothing is running. 它不必现在和今天就做.”

Siglin问, “Do the analytics also take into account what devices people would be consuming that particular content on?”

soreddy说:“各种各样的因素都在起作用. “这些设备一直在消耗, 它被消耗的地点, 还有很多其他的东西. Especially when you're doing delivery, where should it even sit? 正确的. 所以所有这些因素都会被考虑.”


西格林指出,这是五、六年前的事了, there was a significant lack of women in upper-level positions in the industry and a dearth of mentorship. “Have we made progress in the industry over the last five or six years?他问苏雷迪.

“我肯定会说是的,”苏雷迪说. “不仅仅是在指导方面, but also in the number of women who are part of the streaming media these days is considerably higher than before. 我认为是在指导方面 流媒体中的女性 帮助我了解别人. So, these communities help us find mentors where we can lean into someone from a career growth perspective and someone from a technology perspective. 安妮·亚伦, our Senior Director at 网飞公司, was my mentor for some time, she still is. 我通过她来到了“流媒体女性”组织. So that kind of community helps us lean in, understand, grow together.”



Join us in August 2024 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, lively debate at 流媒体连接.

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