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For high-stakes, large-scale streams, 冗余是确保平稳可靠交付的关键. This means careful monitoring, sound decision-making, 无缝网络切换——也被称为无故障切换——确保数据流精确同步,这样终端用户就看不到交换机. In this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023, Mark de Jong, Chairman, CDN Alliance, 与Bob Hannent讨论了确保流弹性的挑战和维护流弹性的策略, Principal Architect: Technology Operations, DAZN, and Michael Demb, VP, Product Strategy, 标签和.

De Jong says, “If you look at the workflow up to the CDN in general, how do you really ensure redundancy, 故障转移, (确保)您在正确的时间做出正确的故障转移决定,也不会来回切换, 我在不同场合也看到过这种情况.他问汉内特:“你能谈谈你是怎么做的吗??”

“自动故障转移是我们回避的事情,”Hannent说. “It is something that you can have, but as you said, you've got to be really careful about oscillation. 所以如果你最终处于一个前后摆动的状态, you really don't want to do that. But if you build resilience into your design, for instance, [and] you have highly resilient connections, you don't get that. 当我们在谈论转换消息源时,你要避免这种情况. 但到目前为止,你已经确保即使出现了失败,它本身也是有弹性的. It doesn't have an impact. But I come from a traditional broadcasting background. I used to work at the 英国广播公司 而在其他地方,即使是在模拟时代,你甚至看不到少于一帧的故障,因为事情是定时和仔细同步的. We don't really have that much in the cloud world. 我们在时间方面做了很多工作,以确保所有事情都是同步的, 但是,当我们从支持不同地理位置的同步前端转向云计算时,前端供应商已经消失了. But actually, 这条消息现在正在传递给一些我们希望在云中实现同步前端的供应商, 这就回到了另一个问题如何避免耦合, 一个地方的故障会影响另一个地方的故障. 但是如果你在同步,它们本质上是耦合的. 但是,当你有那么高的地理距离时,你如何确保同步是真实的? 你如何确保时间的定义是相同的? 所以要确保你的时间来源是可靠的,并且你正在准确地测量它. 因为你可能遇到的最糟糕的情况就是两个端之间的流切换以及时间的前后跳跃.”

De Jong问Demb:“从你的角度来看,你对此有何看法? And you do this with multiple customers.”

“I agree with Bob's statements,” Demb says. “Automation and switching, especially CDN switching, is something maybe from the not-too-distant future. 如果人工智能机器学习工具变得比人类更聪明,它们就能在真正需要的时候做出正确的决定, then we'll see [more automation]. Redundancy is like a spare tire in the car. You don't have a second car with you, 所以你负担不起所有东西都是完全冗余的, but you have certain spare parts in your car. So if one tire goes flat, 你只要换一个轮胎就行了,因为轮胎通常会瘪掉, and other parts may break, but not that often. 所以,你需要确定哪些部分更可持续,哪些更容易失败. 那么,如何确保一切保持同步并无缝切换呢?

“Bob mentioned time synchronization. 我们正在与许多合作伙伴合作,帮助他们实现更好的时间同步技术, especially in the cloud. 在同一个数据中心内部,我们现在有非常及时的同步机制. P2P doesn't work in the cloud today. So, 我们正在与另一家供应商合作一个项目,在云环境中实现P2P分发. 再一次,这让我想到了一点:它是持续的监控,知道哪里出了问题. 它在内容质量中寻找视频质量的所有方面. 因此,如果发生什么事情,您可以在视频源之间进行切换. So the content quality itself – video, audio, 元数据, it is the quality of streaming, quality of delivery of service, whichever we want. And, of course, the quality of experience. 你可以用不同的工具实时收集数据,了解客户的确切体验. So when monitoring tells you something, and it alerts you immediately, it is like a sensor in the car. Everybody hates the yellow engine light in the car, but everybody needs that because if something fails, you want to know about it. 有几种不同的技术可以帮助实现无缝切换, 是的, 您需要对所有流进行时间同步,并在流中设置正确的时间戳.”

full sessions from Streaming Media Connect November 2023. 我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多的 details here.

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