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The State of Enterprise Video 2022


If there's one thing that's certain during these uncertain times, 企业视频领域继续见证着我们在这里所涵盖的所有流媒体类别中最显著的增长曲线之一 流媒体 杂志. 研究 conducted by the 流媒体 team, 与帮助我流媒体研究基金会的团队合作,作为一年两次的流媒体状态调查的一部分, shows that enterprise video growth outperforms online sports content, outshines the glamour of online entertainment, outpaces educational use, and is only second to the almost supernatural growth of the houses of worship market.

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It hasn't always been that way. In fact, for the 2020 原始资料 article, "The State of Enterprise Video,写于2019年底, 我注意到,“企业视频常常被一个专注于改变全球观众消费娱乐视频方式的行业所忽视."

在某些方面, this oversight was understandable, 因为大多数在线视频平台(ovp)被降级为跟随最后一个在线媒体娱乐平台到云. It wasn't that enterprise video wasn't lucrative, 但它的利润还不足以吸引大量追逐OTT娱乐平台增长的ovp. 毕竟, most corporate video in late 2019/early 2020 was used for internal communications, 法规遵从性, 或者培训目的, and most of these videos never made it beyond the confines of the corporate firewall.

在商业, it's often said that confirming growth requires measurements, 统计数据, and a consulting firm to detail what both mean. 流媒体 hosted several surveys in 2021, including "State of Enterprise Video Trends 2021(需要注册),我将在本文后面强调这一点. 首先, 让我们看一看过去一年中在企业领域进行的其他几项调查.

Enterprise Video Usage Is Up—Way Up

The growth in enterprise video these days is nothing short of phenomenal. To put it in perspective, 84% of the respondents to Socialive's 2021 "State of Enterprise Video: Creation, Broadcasting & 分布" survey said that their company's video content output increased over the previous year. A quarter of respondents cited a significant increase. 该调查有来自视频服务等不同部门的600多名企业受访者, 市场营销, 人力百家乐软件.

除了, 调查指出,88%的受访者预计他们公司的视频内容产出将在2022年增加. 推动这一增长的不仅仅是内部会议,而是整个公司的需求. Nearly 60% of respondents report that 市场营销 teams are using video most often, 其次是销售(39%), 客户成功(36%), 人力百家乐软件 (32%).

Why Do I Feel So Tired (of Online Meetings)?

For all of the growth 统计数据, 虽然, there's the question of whether online meetings are engaging, 有益的, 坦白地说, as we've all complained about "Zoom fatigue"—a healthy way to work.

"Nearly half of professionals working remotely (49%), which translates to 32 million individuals, reported a high degree of exhaustion as a direct result of numerous daily video calls," according to Virtira Consulting's "The Webcam Survey: Exhausted or Engaged?“调查发现,Zoom疲劳是由两个主要因素造成的:会议负荷增加,以及所有会议都开着网络摄像头似乎是不必要的压力.

辛西娅·沃森, Virtira Consulting's CEO, 他说,员工的看法和管理层的看法之间存在脱节:“在疫情期间,我与商界领袖的谈话中, 大多数人表示,通过网络摄像头与员工互动提高了员工参与度和工作效率. Unfortunately, our study indicates the opposite."

While our internal research at 流媒体 杂志显示,流媒体视频领域的专业人士更喜欢远程工作,并在2021年年中表示,他们预计在一年多的时间内不会定期回到办公室工作, 即使在那时, ——virtira咨询公司的调查发现,“63%的远程工作者在网上参加的会议比在办公室参加的要多.此外, 近三分之一的受访者表示,他们在日常会议中平均花费2-3小时在镜头前.

And yet management seems to miss the point on this, 沃森指出,“员工在网络摄像头前的时间越来越长,而出于善意的雇主们试图通过举办在线欢乐时光来提高员工的士气。, 披萨派对, 和更多的."

While “Zoom fatigue” became even more of a challenge in 2022, 许多商业领袖表示,视频会议的增加提高了参与度和生产力.

大卫Moricca, Socialive's founder and CEO, pins part of the blame on videoconferencing tools—whether it be Zoom, 谷歌满足, 微软团队, 或者许多初创公司的视频会议解决方案——在试图复制面对面的体验时,提供了不合格的体验. “在过去的一年中,93%的企业使用标准的视频会议工具来举办虚拟活动,莫里卡说. “然而, 近一半(socialalive调查的)受访者(42%)在整个活动中只有适度的参与度."

有没有更好的办法? 现在我们已经两年了, 和计算, into the work-from-home-more-than-the-office cycle, few are placing bets anymore as to when it will end. Instead, online video companies are pivoting to meet enterprise needs. 例如, 创作, an online video platform primarily focused on education, 是否看到了企业的增长,以及至少自2021年年中首次公开发行(ipo)以来发展成为混合会议解决方案提供商的机会.

Moricca说,组织有几种方法来应对疲劳:减少在线会议的数量或提高会议的质量. Socialive的调查指出,87%的受访者表示,“他们的组织计划在未来12个月内做出改变,以减少虚拟会议疲劳的影响,一半的公司“计划通过制作更高质量、更吸引人的视频内容来取代某些会议,从而减少会议疲劳。."

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The State of Enterprise Video 2023

From road warriors to remote-only companies, enterprise video is shifting. It is, to put it mildly, in a state of flux. At the same time, 虽然, so is the state of business. 考虑到这两个事实, 在今年的企业现状视频中,我试图回答的问题是,这些共存的运动是步调一致还是截然相反.

How to Make Hybrid Meetings Work

霍华德 & Associates的创始人 & 总经理安迪·霍华德在这段来自流媒体连接2022的视频中讨论了混合会议的流媒体和延迟挑战.

Reduce Enterprise Video Traffic Impact with Multicast IPTV

93%的企业技术主管表示,他们公司的视频流量正在增长. Multicast technologies and IPTV can help ease the load on the network.

How Tech Companies Are Pivoting for Enterprise Streaming

NewTek销售工程师Chris Burgos解释了NewTek和其他公司如何重新定向并加倍努力,以满足混合工作环境中对企业流媒体日益增长的需求, 并在流媒体西部连接2021的这个剪辑中提供了对新NDI桥定位的见解.

Is Hybrid the Future of Business Communication?


How Effective Are Hybrid Events?

090媒体运营主管讨论了远程观众观看混合直播赛事的价值, the challenges of serving both in-person and off-site live audiences effectively, 以及这对混合直播事件的未来意味着什么,正如流媒体西部连接2021年的这段剪辑所构成的那样.

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