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项目桨 Fights Fragmentation in Connected TV Advertising


Connected TV viewing and advertising is taking off, but so far each CTV ad platform has its own requirements, causing difficulties for advertisers in easily reaching a large audience with one campaign and then analyzing the results. Several major players banded together to solve this problem, announcing the creation of 项目桨.

OAR stands for "open addressable ready," and the project's goal is creating consistent standards for CTV advertising. It aims to have a working product this spring and fully deploy it in early 2020. Having addressability on TV sets will let advertisers benefit from TV's reach, while still narrowly targeting an audience interested in a niche product. It would also let them reach cord-cutting viewers who don't see traditional TV ads.

Founding members of 项目桨 include content providers Disney (ABC, ESPN, 和自由的), nbc环球, 哥伦比亚广播公司, 发现, 特纳, 赫斯特, and AMC; advertisers 随心所欲 and Xandr; and TV maker Vizio. 内在的特性, the TV automatic content recognition (ACR) company that owns Vizio, will create the technology. While Vizio is the only TV platform onboard so far, the group hopes other OEMs will sign on to the open standard.

内在的特性's solution will expand the addressable TV marketplace to connected TVs by layering an HTML5 video that takes over the screen, with the new targeted ad perfectly synched to cover the linear ad. Vizio has promised to support the standard once it's finished.

"There's a strong desire, particularly by the programmer community, to enable addressability on smart TVs so that they can introduce addressability on their national inventory,克劳迪奥·马库斯说, general manager for data platforms at 随心所欲. "Today, most of the addressability is on local inventory."

There are only a handful of global connected TV makers, 马库斯解释说, so having an addressable solution in place will create not just a large U.S. market, but a global market.

图片来源:Claudio Marcus, GM, 数据平台, 随心所欲, discusses connected TV advertising with John Hoctor, 联合创始人兼首席执行官, 数据加数学, 杰西卡·霍格, 高级副总裁, Digital Client Solutions, 尼尔森, at todays 随心所欲 NowFront event in New York City.

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