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Hulu: 'DASH Is Definitely the Future for Us'

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Subscription video-on-demand company Hulu is taking the lead on DASH adoption, 并且已经将其用于所有谷歌Chromecast和亚马逊Fire TV流媒体. 最近在纽约举行的流媒体东部会议上, Hulu软件开发负责人巴普蒂斯特 Coudurier坐下来谈论了为什么这些举措只是一个开始.

“我认为DASH使我们能够真正融合以前使用的许多不同格式," Coudurier said. “这实际上为我们节省了很多成本,提高了运营效率."

Hulu计划将DASH引入更多平台,包括安卓、Chrome和ie浏览器. For Hulu, DASH is the future.

"I see DASH is definitely the future for us. 我们将把所有的设备都迁移到它上面。. 平滑流兼容层允许我们添加平滑流设备, 同时,我们可以将这些平滑流设备转换为我们的DASH文件, 即使我们仍然会通过它们提供平滑流.And we’ll move from there."

For more on Hulu's experience with DASH, including why it's been a big win for viewer quality, watch the full interview below.


特洛伊: Hi. 我是特洛伊德雷尔, StreamingMedia的高级副编辑.我们将在2014年纽约流媒体东部现场直播. We’re talking with the idea leaders, the thought leaders that are here, joining us at Streaming Media East, and I’m very pleased to have 巴普蒂斯特 Coudurier, who’s in software development for Hulu. 你来纽约,来参加我们的会议. Thank you for joining us.

巴普蒂斯特: Thank you for having me.

特洛伊: 巴蒂斯特,今天晚些时候,你会讲关于DASH的内容. It’s always a huge topic at our shows. So Hulu is already using DASH, right?

巴普蒂斯特:当然. We’re using DASH on the group Chromecast.在几周前刚刚推出的亚马逊Fire TV上.

特洛伊: 你用它来处理所有通过这些设备发送的视频?

巴普蒂斯特:没错. 是的. 我们正在为这些设备提供100%的流量.

特洛伊: How’s that been going?

巴普蒂斯特: Great so far.I think DASH has been a great success for us.

特洛伊: 那么,Hulu为什么要在这些设备上使用DASH呢?

巴普蒂斯特我认为DASH使我们能够真正地合并以前使用的许多不同格式. 它实际上为我们节省了很多成本,使我们的操作效率更高.

特洛伊: Get a little bit into that. How is it saving you costs? You’re streaming less?

巴普蒂斯特嗯,现在,我们实际上只有一种,而不是有10种不同的格式.您可能知道,DASH也使用来自ISO的通用文件格式.  And that is the successor of Smooth Streaming, 所以它也允许我们将平滑流和DASH合并在一起.Using the same file on the CDN, for example.所以它在包装和CDN存储方面节省了我们.在drm方面也是如此,因为现在我们可以对相同的文件使用多个drm.

特洛伊: 好吧. And is there a bandwidth savings as well?


特洛伊: No?

巴普蒂斯特我们仍然使用与以前在不同设备上使用的流媒体相同的比特率.So that hasn’t changed on that point.

特洛伊: But it’s how much that you need to store?

巴普蒂斯特:是啊. 我们需要储存多少,我们需要进行多少包装过程.

特洛伊: So do you see it expanding beyond those two devices?

巴普蒂斯特:是啊, definitely. 我们正积极致力于将所有设备移植到MPEG-DASH.

特洛伊: 好吧.

巴普蒂斯特:是啊. No, they are coming. 安卓4.4 is actually on the way.Google Chrome, hopefully.And IE 11 on Windows 8.

特洛伊: 好吧. So you’ve been getting into desktop browsers.What about other browsers? Do they support DASH, or are you --


特洛伊: Explain that for us.

巴普蒂斯特: MSE是媒体源的扩展,是像浏览器一样支持html5视频的.That results to, 就像, 浏览器将检索媒体片段,并在浏览器中实际播放.所以它实际上需要能够在浏览器上玩DASH.到目前为止,谷歌已经做出了很大的努力,谷歌Chrome 33实际上完全支持它.

特洛伊:好吧. And Internet Explorer?

巴普蒂斯特: And yeah, IE 11 on Windows 8.

特洛伊:嗯嗯. Still waiting on Safari.

巴普蒂斯特: Still waiting on Safari.

特洛伊: Could be a while. What do you see is the future for DASH?

巴普蒂斯特: I see DASH is definitely the future for us. We’re going to migrate all our devices to it.就像我说的,平滑流兼容层允许我们添加平滑流设备.同时,我们可以将这些平滑流设备转换为我们的DASH文件, 即使我们仍然会通过它们提供平滑流.And we’ll move from there.


巴普蒂斯特: We’re using a lot of formats. We’re using Widevine. We are using HLS, Smooth Streaming. Like regular MP4.Really DASH, out of those two, just merge them all.

特洛伊:好吧. And what about performance? Do viewers notice anything? Are there any complaints?

巴普蒂斯特: They don’t notice anything. 但我们已经看到了10%到15%的性能提升. 当我说到性能时,我指的是服务的QoS体验. 基本上就像在再缓冲方面的改进.And 就像 in the order of 10, 15 percent.

特洛伊: That’s pretty significant.

巴普蒂斯特: 它是 pretty significant.

特洛伊所以这个想法是,如果观众不需要重新缓冲, if they have a better experience, they’re going to be happier and watch longer.



巴普蒂斯特:是啊. In terms of user experience.

特洛伊: 好吧, fantastic, you know. Keep people watching longer. That’s the idea, right?

巴普蒂斯特:嗯嗯. 它是.

特洛伊:好吧. So very happy with DASH at Hulu?

巴普蒂斯特:是啊. Big success for us.

特洛伊:好吧. 优秀的. 好吧, thank you for joining me, 巴普蒂斯特, 我是特洛伊·德雷尔,从东流媒体为您直播.

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