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Highwinds, 创作, 并发: Mobile Streaming Best Practices

Presenting best practices for streaming video to mobile devices, Highwinds, 创作, 和并发参加了a 网络研讨会 由StreamingMedia主办.3月22日(星期四).

The de facto standard for mobile video streaming is to use the H.264编解码器在MP4容器, presenting HD aspect in multiple bitrates, 克里斯·布雷说, vice president of product management for content delivery network Highwinds谁先发言?.

Bray offered several tips to consider for best results, such as making sure keyframe alignment is consistent across bitrates. That way, when a viewer switches streams, the keyframes stay in alignment. He also advised turning off scene detection during encoding (it introduces irregular keyframes) and encoding audio in the same way for all the video streams.

The industry is moving toward HTTP流媒体, 说布雷, with the strongest adoption around Apple HTTP 在线直播 (HLS). Some are playing HLS streams in Flash. MPEG DASH is still on the horizon, 他说. While many are looking at it, they haven't yet made a commitment.

Next up was Damian Rochman, senior director of product for online video platform 创作, who noted that mobile video traffic is surging. 出版商, mobile video comes with several challenges, such as supporting different codecs, presenting a unified user interface and experience across various platforms, fitting into publishing workflows, and providing content protection.  

Publishers who want to target a variety of mobile devices need an automated workflow that transcodes video for all targeted devices. They should automatically serve the best encoding, offering multiple streams for adaptive video, 比如高——, 中期, 低比特率编码, Rochman说. Viewers expect the same experience on a mobile site as they get on a regular website.

Comparing mobile website and app experiences, Rochman noted that neither is inherently a better experience. Mobile websites don't offer real full screen viewing but do offer cross platform access, while apps give better control over the experience but require custom DRM support.

至于内容保护, Rochman说 that mobile video requires workarounds to safeguard video, 例如令牌授权, geo阻塞, IP封锁, 或分块. Going with an app is a currently a better route for those offering premium content.

Exploring the workflow required to create adaptive video for mobile devices, 吉姆Denenny, vice president and general manager for online media solutions at 并发, defined steps for transcoding (the processor intensive heavy-lifting), Transmuxing(在飞行中完成, 能够实时完成), protection and policy (for monetization), and delivery (using an HTTP infrastructure and leveraging a company's existing investment).

While MPEG DASH could well make adaptive video delivery simpler in time, requiring only one format for delivery, there's likely to be an overlap period when publishers need to support four formats, Denenny说. 幸运的是,它们都使用H.264 video, AAC audio, and MP3 audio. 最佳实践, 他说, 是创建一个单一的MPEG4, fMP4, MPEGTS source and repackage it on-the-fly.

During the question and answer session, listeners asked about latency in live video, how to support older mobile phones, and closed captioning on mobile devices.

整个网络研讨会, "Best Practices for Streaming to Mobile Devices," will be hosted online for 90-days and is free to view. 需要注册.

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