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Buyer’s Guide to On-Dem和 Encoders 2015

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选择编码工具是任何人在网站上发布视频的基本决定. In this video-on-dem和 (VOD) encoding buyer’s guide, I’ll run through the most relevant product categories, point out noteworthy examples, 并确定在其中选择时要考虑的因素. 我还将讨论何时应该从一个类别升级到另一个类别. 我讨论了 VOD cloud encoding in another story, so I won’t address that category in detail in this guide.

每个编码器搜索都应该从需求文档开始,即使它只是一个非正式的文档. Start by listing the inputs the encoder needs to support, plus the outputs necessary for your streaming operation, including codec support, 包装, 以及辅助需求,如数字版权管理(DRM)和封闭字幕支持. 然后确定需要编码多少个文件,以及需要以多快的速度进行编码. Identify your integration requirements, whether it’s integrated operation with a video editor, watch folder integration, or full programmatic integration via API or comm和 line. 您还应该考虑所需的冗余程度. Armed with this 信息, 你可以快速识别出满足你需求的产品,并开始关注价格和其他差异化因素.



FFMPEG 是免费的吗, 开源命令行编码器,功能非常强大, 和 I’ll touch on it briefly later in this article. If you’re not the comm和-line type, I recommend 手煞车 用于简单的一次性编码工作和快速转DVD到MP4转换. 本质上, 手煞车 is a GUI for FF-MPEG, 允许您访问最相关的x264和x265相关的FFMPEG功能在一个易于使用, 接触界面. 如果您需要一个简单的工具,偶尔x264和x265编码, the cross-platform 手煞车 should be your first choice.


苹果公司的压缩机 是Apple Final Cut Pro X的配套编码器(也可以作为单独的产品购买,售价49美元.99年),而 Adobe媒体编码器 (AME)与Adobe Premiere Pro和Creative Cloud捆绑在一起. 您可以从它们的姊妹视频编辑器访问这两个产品, eliminating the need to produce a mezzanine file, 和 they both output MPEG-2 和 H.264的最常见的应用程序在单文件或批处理模式. Neither program offers support for DRM 包装, 尽管AME可以从Premiere输出多种sidecar格式的字幕. Neither program can output H.265或VP8/VP9.

Compressor has several useful features that AME doesn’t, 最值得注意的是,它能够为iOS设备创建HTTP 在线直播 (HLS)输出,并能够在多个Compressor安装上共享编码工作. 在2013年底的一次彻底的界面检修清理了界面, but from a performance 和 quality perspective, it raised more questions than it answered. 例如, Compressor可以在所有运行i5或i7处理器的mac上加速编码, but only for single-pass encoding. There still are three different interfaces for creating H.264 files with completely different control sets, which makes operation confusing, 和 Apple’s codec is still a step behind x264 in quality. 尽管您可以使用Compressor创建用于简单拖放编码的编码液滴, there is no GUI-based watch folder operation. 整体, Compressor produces good output for casual users, but most encoding professionals would prefer another tool.

AME has a clean, consistent, 和 easy-to-use interface. 它运行效率高,包括手表文件夹输入,使其成为Adobe Premiere和其他套件工具的一个有价值的配件. 最明显的缺点是缺乏对x264编解码器的访问,以及无法为任何HTTP自适应流技术输出包和元数据文件. For serious web producers, AME最适合创建夹层文件,以便在其他地方上传和编码, rather than producing the final outputs.


Desktop encoders such as 索伦森挤压Telestream集 提供对比捆绑编码器更广泛的编解码器和格式的访问,以及对更大容量编码的可伸缩性. 例如,两者都提供了对编码的更细粒度的控制, by exposing a much wider range of H.264 configuration options than either Compressor or AME. 您可以从Adobe媒体编码器内访问这两个编码器,或通过观看文件夹. 让我们看看各个编码器,从Episode开始.

There are three Episode versions: Episode ($594), Episode Pro(1美元,194), 和 Episode Engine ($5,994), all available for Windows 和 Mac. All three products include the x264 codec, 尽管基线版本缺乏一些高端输入/输出格式, 只有插曲引擎支持HTTP直播和微软流畅流输出, 然后只能通过命令行界面,而不是GUI. Other product differences are performance-related. 具体来说,Episode一次只能编码一个文件,而Episode Pro一次只能编码两个文件. 插曲引擎可以同时编码多个文件,最大数量取决于系统的核心. Episode Engine also features split 和 stitch encoding, which accelerates the encoding of a single larger file.

与Compressor的情况一样,您可以为共享编码聚集多个Episode安装. 你也可以通过命令行界面访问所有的剧集版本, a nice option for high-volume users. 还有一个基于xml的RPC接口,用于将所有剧集版本与媒体资产管理或内容管理系统集成. 不利方面, though Episode does support VP8, it can’t output HEVC or VP9, so users who need a UHD codec are out of luck. Without a major upgrade since 2010, 从剧情的角度来看,这一集也有点长了, with no support for DRM or captions of any kind.

Squeeze comes in three versions: Lite ($199), 标准(549美元), Pro(749美元), also available in Mac 和 Windows versions. All three versions feature unlimited parallel file encoding, 但只有两个价格较高的版本包含分而治之的操作, 它可以像Telestream的拆分和拼接功能一样加快单个文件编码速度.

Sorenson’s strength relates to codec 和 format support. 挤压标准和专业可以输出包的苹果HLS(加密), Adobe Dynamic Streaming (HDS), Microsoft Smooth Streaming, 和 MPEG DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP). The two higher-end versions also include VP9 support, 尽管只有Squeeze Pro包含HEVC和封闭字幕集成. 所有版本都可以创建包含MP4和WebM文件的HTML5包, 以及使用Flash Fallback实现HTML5播放的HTML代码. Squeeze还通过Squeeze Stream提供了一个审查和批准工作流程, Sorenson’s online video platform.

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